Christian Cross
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Hi, I'm Haoran Chen (English Name: Joshua Chen, 中文名:陈浩然)


I'm a software developer from China. I love coding, reading, and traveling. I am working for Microsoft[0].
I am a CCF[1] member, ACM[2] member, and IEEE CS[3] member.
I graduated from Computer Science and Technology Department, Tsinghua University. I have published 3 papers about Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing on conferences or journals. They are:

Given the features of a video, recurrent neural networks can be used to automatically generate a caption for the video. Existing methods for video captioning have at least three limitations. First, semantic information has been widely applied to boost the performance of video captioning models, but existing networks often fail to provide meaningful semantic features. Second, the Teacher Forcing algorithm is often utilized to optimize video captioning models, but during training and inference, different strategies are applied to guide word generation, leading to poor performance. Third, current video captioning models are prone to generate relatively short captions that express video contents inappropriately. Toward resolving these three problems, we suggest three corresponding improvements. First of all, we propose a metric to compare the quality of semantic features, and utilize appropriate features as input for a semantic detection network (SDN) with adequate complexity in order to generate meaningful semantic features for videos. Then, we apply a scheduled sampling strategy that gradually transfers the training phase from a teacher-guided manner toward a more self-teaching manner. Finally, the ordinary logarithm probability loss function is leveraged by sentence length so that the inclination of generating short sentences is alleviated. Our model achieves better results than previous models on the YouTube2Text dataset and is competitive with the previous best model on the MSR-VTT dataset.

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Video captioning is an advanced multi-modal task which aims to describe a video clip using a natural language sentence. The encoder-decoder framework is the most popular paradigm for this task in recent years. However, there exist some problems in the decoder of a video captioning model. We make a thorough investigation into the decoder and adopt three techniques to improve the performance of the model. First of all, a combination of variational dropout and layer normalization is embedded into a recurrent unit to alleviate the problem of overfitting. Secondly, a new online method is proposed to evaluate the performance of a model on a validation set so as to select the best checkpoint for testing. Finally, a new training strategy called professional learning is proposed which uses the strengths of a captioning model and bypasses its weaknesses. It is demonstrated in the experiments on Microsoft Research Video Description Corpus (MSVD) and MSR-Video to Text (MSR-VTT) datasets that our model has achieved the best results evaluated by BLEU, CIDEr, METEOR and ROUGE-L metrics with significant gains of up to 18% on MSVD and 3.5% on MSR-VTT compared with the previous state-of-the-art models.

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Video captioning automatically generates short descriptions of the video content, usually in form of a single sentence. Many methods have been proposed for solving this task. A large dataset called MSR Video to Text (MSR-VTT) is often used as the benchmark dataset for testing the performance of the methods. However, we found that the human annotations, i.e., the descriptions of video contents in the dataset are quite noisy, e.g., there are many duplicate captions and many captions contain grammatical problems. These problems may pose difficulties to video captioning models for learning underlying patterns. We cleaned the MSR-VTT annotations by removing these problems, then tested several typical video captioning models on the cleaned dataset. Experimental results showed that data cleaning boosted the performances of the models measured by popular quantitative metrics. We recruited subjects to evaluate the results of a model trained on the original and cleaned datasets. The human behavior experiment demonstrated that trained on the cleaned dataset, the model generated captions that were more coherent and more relevant to the contents of the video clips.

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